I was excited and little bit nervous to start the Excel Project because I haven’t used Excel for a long time. I was already familiar with some basic skills of the excel spreadsheet and knew how to perform most of the instruction required; however, I was still astonished what a vital and useful tool Excel is for personal and professional during the process of the project.
In Excel Project, I analyzed a variety data and evaluated the effectiveness of a large fitness center’s particular workout. There were data of 500 subjects-age, sex, and 21 heart rate measurements from time 0:00 to time 20:00. The 1st step was formatting the Raw Data sheet how to bold the headings for emphasis, how to center the date name, and how the use the “Freeze Panes” capability to lock the certain rows on the screen, when you scroll downward, the “lock” row(s) should always be displayed. All of these formats make date easy to be seen. The 2nd step was to create many formulas in order to do the calculation of MaxHR, TgtHR, HighestHR, TgtAchieved, and PctIncrese. I should say Excel makes our life easier. For instance, I created particular formula to calculate Max HR at first column, as soon as I got the value I just simply clicked the copy button and then dragged the entire column and press Enter key. Excel will automatically calculate the rest value for you. And the 3rd step was print setup for Raw Data. The project was pretty straightforward, and I really enjoyed when I was working on the Excel project. It was a really good learning experience and really fun.
The most important skill I learned during Excel Project was using the Pivot Table to analyze data. Coming to the segment lecture about Pivot Table, I have to be honest with you I have never heard this terminology before. What is Pivot Table? Pivot table is a fabulous way to break down an enormous group of data into a small, easy to ready table. It is extremely convenient and efficient tool for business.Take a look at the AvgIncrease Table from screen capture that I created above. Instead of looking at the bounch numeric data, the Pivot Table looks more appealing.