
Tutorial Blog 3 : Entity-Relationship Diagrams & Data Flow Diagrams

Let's talk about Entity-Relationship Diagrams and Data Flow Diagrams this week.Entity-Relationship Diagrams and Data Flow Diagrams are two tools that a systems analyst uses for process modeling.
Entity-Relationship Diagrams( ERD) is a tool that  shows the connections among entities in a system.For example,  a university have student, classroom, instructor, and grades entities. On the ERD, each relationship describes a connection between two enities. I have created a diagram shown below, let's break it down in details about how the flow goes.

In the picture that I created, a class may contains one or more students, those students are taught by a specific instructor, and may or may not be held in a classroom. A student may or may not take classes in a given semester, and may or may not earn a grade. It is important that the system analyst has an understanding of the system. They will review the ERD with the users. After the users approve the ERD, the systems analyst checks data items associated with student entity and identifies data items such as Student ID, Address, Phone #, Contact Information and Photo.
A Data Flow Diagram( DFD) is a tool that shows the flow of data in a system. There are four key elements of DFD the data flows, the processes, the data stores, and the sources.Let's take a  look of the diagram that
I've created and shown below. I will deifne each element in detail in just a second .

OK. First of all,  a data flow, indicated  by a line with a arrow and express the input or output data or the specific information into or out from a process.A process is drawn as a circle, it transforms an input data flow into an out data flow.A data store is shown as a rectangle with no sides, it is containing a place for data and information.A source is shown as a rectangle with sides, it identifies an entity outside the scope of the system and receives information from the system and then sends data into the system.
I hope after reading this tutorial, everyone of you will get a better understanding of what  the Entity-relationship diagrams and data flow diagrams are. Moreover, when someone ask u what are these two diagrams, you are able to teach and explain in detail to them.

work cited
Shelly, Gary and Misty Vermaat, Discovering Computers 2010, Boston, MA: 2010 Course Technology, 2010


Database project

This week’s project was to create an Access database to store information about the gym’s members. First of all, this was the most difficult project that I have never done so far in this class. I had no experience before; however, the tutorial videos help a lot. I was surprised that Access makes creating forms and tables very easy and helps convert a large amount of data into something more manageable. I learned how to create a specific database table, how to manipulate the query activity such as how to set up data order in descending, and how to get the data report. I learned much new knowledge in this week; I will be using Access in the future for my own benefit after learning it this semester.
One way I can enhance the functionality of this database
 would be to set up the system that is able to automatically
 delete the members’ data that are no longer part of the
 gym. Moreover, set up the system to send out thank
email quarterly. By doing this so, gym’s database would be
 very manageable, and it could be very helpful for gym’s
operating system.


Presentation Project

Presentation Project:
         I selected scenario one which is pitch an entrepreneurial idea to a venture capital company for my presentation project. My entrepreneurial idea is to create an online tutoring system. I grabbed audience’s attention in the first 30-60 seconds by listing out some pros about online tutoring system in across the UF.  I anticipated questions that audiences may have during my presentation; however, it is impossible to answer all the questions the audiences will ask. However, there is a logical flow and sequence of content. There were 3 units involved in the online tutoring system Registration Unit, Administration Unit, and Bookstore Unit.  I believed the audiences should get a better understanding of my concept and how the online tutoring works by fallowing the flows that I delivered.
            In order to ensure readability and avoid clutter, I created my presentation very simple and easy. I made the texts big enough to read; I provided the most important points and concepts in each slide; and I used harmonious color so there were more eye appealing affects. Avoiding clutter by using open space and I didn’t overcomplicate or use vague graphics. Instead of reading the entire presentation slides I said it and explained every concept in detail to enhance my presentation. The information I gave was concise and I think I got my opinion across pretty well.
            I watch other’s presentations and critiqued one of it; there were various ways to present a presentation, some people showed the facts at the beginning of the presentation while others played songs as an opening. Comparing my presentation to theirs, I figured out my presentation was lacking of some concise graphs. However, I pretty satisfied with what I’ve created. The one thing I have learned from critiquing other’s presentation is to make and learn best use of the advantages from others and to avoid and improve the disadvantages of you own.
            After completing the presentation and Web2.0 project, I learned some significant amount of new skills and knowledge of how to create a successful and meaningful presentation. I learned how to upload my presentation and share it online with everyone. I also learned that presentation self-critique is a great way to improve the overall quality of my own presentation. Obviously, PowerPoint is a useful tool in business field both now and future.  I would definitely apply the skills that I learned today in my future workstation. For example, if I will work at a company as a sale assistant. I will create a presentation in order to deliver a clear opinion and specific strategies to increase the sale. Overall, I really enjoyed the learning experience of this project.